Wednesday, April 30, 2014

PICK OF THE WEEK: Working with children and animals

Spotted by the Kid (Katoomba Australia April 2014)

Kids and dogs are the ones that always see the man with the cam
I made this photograph a couple of days ago and just tonight, after posting it on a photo sharing site, a friend made the really groovy little quote above in his comments. And I thought, yes, it's true: even when the adults don't notice me, the children and dogs quite often do. For some reason it always surprises me and oftentimes I don't notice they've noticed me till later when I see the image on the screen.

As some of you know already, I do not mind in the least if I am noticed, or if people see my camera. Rather than "losing the moment" as is so often quoted as a reason to not be noticed, I think that being seen by the people (or animals!) being photographed can create another kind of moment, even a special one. Just like in today's Pick. 

I ask myself, and I ask you, would this be the image it is if the young boy hadn't seen me and looked up at the camera? I don't think it would. In fact, I actually think this is rather a good photograph of a charming ordinary everyday kind of scene. And now it is out there in the world for all to see and perhaps it will even generate a smile or two along the way.

And in fact I hope this boy's mum or dad sees the image and contacts me. I reckon they'd love a copy!

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